An initial visit to Yellowstone is an awe-inspiring look at nature in its most spectacular showing.  Wow is everywhere, and it is exactly what we hear around every turn.   To live here brings a new perspective. We know the animals and their habits,  we know the predictability of the geo-thermal features, and we know how the seasons change more than autumn leaves.  
Today a walk along this foggy, correction steamy, boardwalk  invites a unique view.  A natural curiosity asks, how it is possible that plant, animal, and aquatic life sustain themselves in this exact spot. It is here where the geo-thermal features collide with the frigid, Lake Yellowstone, changing both it’s picturesque shoreline and the ecosystems nearby.  Plant life is abundant, and fish have adapted over centuries of change. They have learned when the lakeside geyser erupts, it stirs up aquatic life, resulting in a smorgasbord. It is appropriately named the Trout Jacuzzi by the locals.   As unusual as it seems we know this feeding frenzy is another gift by Mother Nature.
THIS is Yellowstone.  
THIS is nature’s laboratory, the beautiful place I also call home.  
Still learning…  


The Daily Post:  Foggy
WPC:  Unusual