When we think of rest and relaxation we often think of ourselves on an exotic beach, with the setting sun, or maybe around a campfire in a mountain resort.  Since those moments are often few and far between, how do you find time to relax?

One thing I do know about this road called life is that self-care is crucial for well-being.  And while appointments at day spas and weekend getaways help, it is imperative that we take time to relax every day.

We deserve it.

Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate relaxation into our everyday lives.  It looks a little different to each of us, so be mindful about what gives you that deep breath and gives you a few moments of bliss.

  1. Stop to Smell the Roses…or the Lavender  I am completely serious.  Pleasant fragrances have the ability to calm us, and lavender is known to promote sleep and relaxation. DSC_0080

2. Look Out the Window: There is a rule with this one.  It is not OK to be a nosy neighbor. Instead, watch a thunderstorm, the local wildlife, or just watch the day pass by.

3. Get Outside: Fresh air and sunshine?  Yes…fresh air and sunshine rejuvenates the soul.

4. Meditate, Pray, or Close Your Eyes

5. Turn Up the Music:  You don’t have to be an expert at the new Floss dance. In fact I am not sure I even want to know that, but research shows music can reduce stress and dance is a great form of cardio too.   So maybe dance to your own beat, sing the wrong words in the car, spin around with the broomstick, or just sit back and listen. Whatever works for you. fullsizeoutput_371a

6. Exercise:  It doesn’t matter if you are walking, running, hiking, stretching, swimming doing yoga, or gardening.  A few minutes inside, or out, will rest the mind or sweat out the tough stuff.

7. Hug: Be the hugging type. Period.

8. Snuggle Up With a Pet: Our furry friends share one thing with us, unconditional love.  Enjoy them.  There is always room for more friends.

9. Keep a Journal: Dear Self….I am trying.   A journal is a great way to let go of feelings, create lists, and also a way to think positively.  At least once a day write attributes you like about yourself or admire about others.  It’s very important that  physical traits are not included, because of the focus on well-being

10. Chew Gum:  Curious isn’t it, that gum can reduce stress?  It does, and regardless of flavor, gum is two-fold.  A minty stick can give you a fresh breath, and a wad of bubble gum can add fun.   PS. Be cautious if you are a chomper.  You wouldn’t  want to cause stress to anyone else. Wink.

11. Enjoy Coffee or Tea

12. Be Present in the Moment:  Slow down. Hear everything, feel everything and be in touch with your senses for just a moment. You won’t be sorry. Version 2

Wind Kisses, Donna

How about you? How do you bring relaxation into your daily life.  Do you have a time set aside just for you?  Do you take breaks in the day?  Yoga?  

Inspired by Lens Artists Photo Challenge – Time to relax 

Quanit Revival – Yourself