Millions of tourists visit Yellowstone National Park every year just to see the bison, and there is a 100 percent chance you will see them on the roadways. Many speculate that it is because the roads make it easier for them to travel in the deep snow, making their migration easier.  In the summer, perhaps it is habit.

During our two years working in Yellowstone we fell in love with the bison and were intrigued with their way of life. If  you have been there you will know they control much of what goes on in the park, especially traffic.DSC_0106.JPG

Guess what?

While the bison use the roads for convenience and migration, the reason behind the winding roads is not what you would expect. You see when the roads were being built, the engineers followed the bison trails, figuring the animals would know the most efficient way to get through the park.  Now almost all of the roads in the park are old bison roads, so it would be natural for them to continue to use them.DSC_0217.JPG

The bison, are indeed wild, contrary to a few naive tourists who believe Yellowstone is a petting zoo.  I do admit they often appear to be a welcoming committee,  but their mission is to find the next luscious meadow to fill their bellies.

Like any road trip , there are shortcuts.  DSC_0057

And in Yellowstone, the scenic routes are around every turn.   IMG_1967.JPG


Wind Kisses, Donna

Brought back to life with inspiration fromLen’s-Artists. Thanks Tina. 

Inspired by: Roads