We live on a remarkable planet. Earth is filled with lush forests, blue oceans, high mountains, meandering rivers, and a diversity of plants and animals. With Earth Day around the corner, it seems natural to celebrate this place we all call home.

Let’s Rock Your World this week. Join us to showcase anything from rocky landscapes to cobblestone streets. Are you a collector, a climber, or a creator of rock art? Maybe geology is on your mind or maybe your motivation will come from local conservation efforts as Earth Day was intended.

Have you ever noticed how a rock, a silly rock, no matter how it forms, or where it is placed, collects life?

Our preference is to rock… and roll, and we celebrate the earth the best way we know how…in it.

There is the quietude I often speak of, but there is more, so much more. The strata in the cliff walls evidence us with walks through geological change, millions of years of it. The rocks breathe life from those who walked ahead of us, and those same rocks are an invitation to the little kid in us. Shapes, sizes, textures and colors are nothing short of intrigue.

Nature’s ability to place vegetation exactly where it is meant to be is almost profound. We know the rocks bring necessary stability and protection to those places we are lucky to stumble across. To remain humble crosses my mind. On those days, leaving no rock unturned is unrealistic, or is that simply cliché?

Funny to think, at home, rocks are decorative elements for our gardens.

Rocks. Have you ever found one at the right place and the right time? I call them sitting rocks. They are where you watch the view, bask in the sun, or in some cases appreciate your waterfront home.

Rocks aren’t just for the nature lovers in us. Manmade jetties are protective barriers for our shorelines, and offer pedestrian access to those who want to feel like they can walk on water. Our homes keep the cold out. Rock walls keep the cows in, and churches keep the faith.

A pile of rocks ceases to be a pile of rocks when somebody contemplates the idea of a cathedral in mind. – St Exupery

Finally, cheers to the one who lets me find my own sapphires on my birthday, and helps me discover dinosaur footprints in the mountains. He knows the value of contemplating life in a rocking chair, and agrees to see a heart-rock even if it is a stretch.

That guy, the one who rocks my world, also finds the greatest ledges for sunrise breakfasts. He is the one doing life with me.

Rock On, Donna

Your turn. Join us to share what Rocks YOUR World. I am already inspired by possibilities of what might transpire here. Enjoy your quest, remember to link to this post, and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you.

For Johns Before and After challenge last week, did you take notes like I did? Lots to learn and enjoy in the contributions. Next week, Ritva will bring us the weekly challenge with the special “wow”she is known for. Join her Saturday 12:00 EST.

Interested in knowing more about the Lens-Artists challenge? Click here for more information.