Let’s photograph Sound this week.

I know what you are thinking.  Sound is something we hear, not see.

Or is it?

The photo above shows three girls preparing for a game-end buzzer. Their ears are covered, one looks towards the clock, and they clearly anticipate the loud blare.  It is a great example of how we might not hear pictures, but we can see certain images and think of sound. 

We find sound in the natural world, from manmade items, and through actions. For this week, I have chosen some images that resonate sound to me, and I look forward to seeing where creativity steers you.

Musical Sounds:  Who doesn’t like some kind of music? It comes to us on the radio, at concerts, spiritual events, and even in the tap or the snap of fingers.

It is easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself. – Johann Sebastian Bach 

We discovered the framed, piano keyboard on the wall of a XVII century, stone house in Montenegro. It belonged to the owner’s grandmother. When the family returned to it’s property following Montenegro’s independence from Serbia, they found the piano outside in the elements, most likely for years. Only the keyboard was salvageable. Through tears, we learn how the piano is evocative of his grandmother’s presence.

The past beats inside me like a second heart. – John Banville

Sounds of the City: You might not believe me when I tell you I love the buzz of a city.  All of it. The cacophony of sounds seem to compete for our attention. Time is driven by rush hours and night life. The chime of clock towers feel like a mere suggestion, and church bells seem to beckon us home.  

Distinctive Sounds: The sounds of ceremonial marches and parades are profound. There is such precision, in the shuffle of feet from the Swiss Guard at The Vatican. Much different than the King”s Guard at Buckingham Palace, or the haunt of Taps at a military funeral. Can you feel the cadence, sense the rhythm, and hear the echo of life, like I do?

Everyday Sounds:  Sound is a crucial aspect of our everyday lives, our primary source of information and communication. If I am ahead of the alarm clock, the first sound I hear in the morning is the coffee pot percolating. The ticking of the computer keyboard is next, followed by the familiar sounds of the neighborhood waking up. And what about expressive language?

No sound is so pure, so exhilarating, so refreshing, so infectious, so inspiring… as the unrestrained laughter of a child. - Polly Schack

Sounds of Nature:  Do you believe in hearing quiet? I do. If you are someone who frequents nature you will know what I am talking about. Go ahead, tell me about the trickles of creeks, wind rustling the leaves, and song birds, and I will let you know you just proved my point. 

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. Ram Dass

Now…Shhhh…Go with it. I am listening.

Wind Kisses, Donna

Your turn. Where will you find sound?  Is it in the roar of a lion? Is it at the local farm, or a construction site? Have you stumbled across street musicians, or found yourself hyped up at a sporting event? And how about wind chimes on your patio, the plop of a drop, or the pop of corn. You do know a sound is also a body of water? The possibilities are endless. Join us. Remember to link to my post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you. 

Thank you to Anne, last week, for inspiring us with weather. I found it interesting to read, and see, how weather truly plays a part in our moods or what inspires us in photography.  I remain humble by all the talent and creativity we immerse ourselves into each week. 

Next week, I am excited to announce Ritva. She will host her first official challenge for the Lens-Artists.  Don’t miss it. Her photography WILL engage you, along with her inspiration and guidance.  Interested in knowing more about the Lens-Artists challenge? Click here for more information.