Is music an inspiration to your photography? Does a song’s mood or its lyrics spark ideas for a photoshoot? In his unique and inspiring post, Music to My Eyes, Egidio begins with thoughts about hearing Andrea Bocelli’s “Con Te Partirò” moments before parking his car, and how that song is ingrained in his mind when he sees the Davis Mountains, Texas. 

I get it. 

We drove into the same scenario when we arrived in Sedona early one morning.  A panoramic view presented itself when U2’s It’s a Beautiful Day came on the radio.  Since that day, it feels like our Sedona song, and it also comes to mind when we are on road trips with wide open spaces.

It’s a beautiful day…

Don’t let it get away.

The song’s message is about finding joy in the small things. Not always an easy task this day in age, but regardless of what is going on around you, find the good, and…

Take it Easy.

Yes, there really is a Winslow, Arizona. The Eagle’s song put the town on the map when the band was stranded there in the 70s, and conjured up the lyrics. It is a sleepy, little town along Route 66, and might be considered a gateway to the west. It is complete with souvenir shops, instagram-worthy photos, and the historic La Posada Hotel. Winslow is worth the stop if for no other reason than,

Standing on the corner….

Want something else to do? America’s favorite pastime gets a nod here in Arizona too.  The Phoenix area is a mecca for the peanuts and crackerjacks crowd – baseball. The Cactus League teams practice from January through April when the official season begins.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame…

On a more somber note, if I could choose one song that resonates with my heart and soul over and over again it is Taps. Played by bugles at formal military ceremonies, the words signify the end of the day and as a tribute to those who have died for their country.

For me it is personal. As a volunteer gardener at our local National Cemetery, trimming roses was secondary to the people I met seeking understanding and peace. You haven’t lived until you have shared a beer with a man at the gravestone of his son who saved hundreds of lives, or talked with a 96 year old history-book-of- a-man visiting lost comrades. So ya…every time I turn into National Cemeteries, Taps is on my mind.

On Veterans Day a year ago, it was my turn to gravitate towards finding that same peace, comfort , and understanding in Taps. I am still shedding tears with thoughts of the bugler at my dad’s funeral.

Music to my eyes? An understatement.

Day is done, gone the sun…All is well, safely rest…

At the risk of ending with a tear, let’s clear the mind, the soul, and the car at the same time.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t pull into a carwash without bouncing around on my seat singing its namesake: Carwash. These days there is an echo of hope from a tinier human in the backseat. Unimpressed with either the song or my singing, she requests our friend song. Mind you…this is a huge step up from Frozen’s, Let it Go.

Yes, little girl You’ve Got a Friend in Me.Randy Newman

So the moral of the story is…

You might not ever get rich (at the carwash),

but you might find yourself character.

Wind Kisses, Donna

Thank you to Egidio, for this fun and enlightening challenge, Music to My Eyes. Be sure to link to Egido’s post in his comments section, and also use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find you. Last week, Ritva took us to an abstract wonderland, where we might never look at the world the same again. I am amazed at the exploration it insighted. Next week Tina is sure to delight us in both her encouragement and her phenomenal talent. Be sure to check in with her Saturday, 12:00 EST.

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