If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.- Ikeda

Inspiration can come from a brilliant sunrise over the ocean,  or meditation on the red rocks of Sedona. Some enjoy following motivational blogs and podcasts.

And some emulate the creative spirit of others.DSC_0238.JPG

It is different for all of us. 

And sometimes inspiration comes in the most unlikely places.fullsizeoutput_8689

Look again. 

There is a cross on Pinnacle Peak at this appropriate intersection.  I don’t know the story and keep thinking I should do the research.  Instead, I appreciate its presence and look for it everyday.  I do know there is no trail on Pinnacle Peak and sometimes the cross falls down. Ironically enough, within a day the cross is, once again, standing erect.   I know this because I can see it from my kitchen window too.  

I love my morning walks and I smiled, thinking, after eight years I am just noticing the perfectly placed street signs at the corner.

Sometimes inspiration is right in front of us. Isn’t it?

Usually I am on a mission to be back by 8AM. The brutal heat of our Arizona summer inspires that pace.  Anyway,  I do enjoy the walks, I wave to my neighbors at a distance, I can hear the hummingbirds wake up, and I can pretend that one of these days I might see a fairy on the everblooming fairy duster. fullsizeoutput_868e

In another hour, the cars will distract us from our reflections, and Mother Nature will turn up that heat.  That’s ok.

Today, I am inspired by…tomorrow. DSC_0114

Wind Kisses, Donna

Inspired by RDP